Action Alert: Push for Health Freedom Sanctuary Cities NOW

The time is now to push for Health Freedom Sanctuary Cities — refuges from vaccine tyranny. Just as 2nd Amendment Sanctuaries are now being implemented in defense of human rights, so we need the same with Health Freedom Sanctuaries.

Mandatory vaccination is being imposed throughout the nation — with apparently the ultimate goal of mandatory vaccination for all people. This may be realized in the very near future if local rulers capitulate. It may come through the “Healthy People 2020” initiative.

Since any thoroughly honest inquiry into vaccination will reveal that vaccines regularly injure and kill, we implore all civil rulers and law enforcement officers concerned with justice to immediately refuse to enforce any and all vaccine mandates — whether current mandates, or mandates to come. We implore them to create Health Freedom Sanctuaries, and thereby preemptively crush a nationwide Vaccine Holocaust.

What can other people do to spread the word?

  • Promote the idea online
  • Appeal to lawmakers to implement this
  • Someone web-savvy and an inspirational writer to create a website on the idea, and to regularly have calls to action for the people and our legislators, and to get the idea into the hands of legislators.

Check out our latest posts on Health Freedom Sanctuaries here.

Pastor Matthew Trewhella discusses the historical and biblical concept of interposition — the duty of lesser magistrates to oppose tyrannical rulers. Learn more about the doctrine of the lesser magistrates here.

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