Christianity, Coronavirus, History, Medical Tyranny

Face Binding: Masks as the New Foot Binding

The extreme use of masks in the name of fighting COVID-19 — “face binding — is the new foot binding. It is an unnatural infliction of violence upon the wearers. Just as foot binding was done in order to fulfill the twisted desires of tyrannical men of the past, so masks are used to fulfill the twisted desires of tyrannical overlords of today.

Coronavirus, Medical Tyranny

Lethal Lockdown: a Biblical Critique of the Coronavirus Fear Pandemic

Yes, there are people suffering from something, and it should not be taken lightly — we should pray for them and help them. Our focus here is national proportionality — will the national response destroy more lives than help? And even more importantly, are we going about this in a biblical way?

We need to love all of our neighbors — not just those who have the Coronavirus, but those who may suffer from the reaction to it.

Christianity, Medical Tyranny, Opposition

Vaccine Resistance Tactics and Scripture

There are many ways vaccine tyranny, that is, mandatory vaccination, can be combated. As Christians, we are not to approach resistance to tyranny as revolutionaries eager to shed blood. On the other hand, we are not to obey commands to do evil (such as vaccinate), since “We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29b).