From the early 1800s: Vaccination “devours mankind,–especially poor helpless infants,–not by scores only, or hundreds, or thousands, but by hundreds of thousands of thousands. … Yet, strange to tell, this monster has found not only a multitude of friends but worshipers, who prostrate themselves before him, and encourage his voracious appetite.”
Tag: Mass Murder
Our Interview with Sons of Liberty Radio on “The Dark Idolatrous History Of Vaccines & Their Ties To Population Control”
This is my interview with my friend Tim Brown of The Sons of Liberty about the dark history of vaccination. Interestingly, it took place a couple months before the Scamdemic began (January 2020). Topics include vaccine idolatry, ingredients, deception, and genocide, as well as vaccination being against God’s natural design.
Planned Parenthood or Big Pharma: WHICH is more Dangerous? (David Knight)
David Knight on the topic, Planned Parenthood or Big Pharma: which is more dangerous? Whatever the case, we cannot turn a blind eye to the vaccine holocaust while we (rightfully) oppose the abortion holocaust.
“Roe vs. Wade” has Ended — but the Work to End the Slaughter is NOT Over
While it was good to see the end of Roe v. Wade, if you are waiting to see the end of the slaughter of the unborn, don’t hold your breath. It’s more of a first step — at best. Some lives may be saved by this (praise God!), but much more reform needs to be done. Evil never rests.
FLASHBACK: Confederate Captain Ruled Guilty and Executed for Vaccine Murder (and other Crimes)
The first and only trial and conviction for vaccine murder? Read about this trial that took place after the War Between the States, and 4 important takeaways.