Before the use of the term “SIDS” to disguise the murder of infants via vaccination, there were other terms, such as “suffocation” and “overlaying.” Check out these historical examples further exposing the Vaccine Holocaust that is as old as vaccination itself.
Tag: History
The Cancer EXPLOSION in Early Vaccine History
“Cancer was practically unknown until compulsory vaccination with cowpox vaccine began to be introduced. I have had to deal with a least two hundred cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.” — Dr. W. B. Clarke
George Muller on Resisting Vaccine Mandates (1878)
In a letter I have received from Mr. Evans, of Dowlais, he says: “I wrote to Mr. George Muller, Bristol, asking him to tell me what he, with his vast experience, thought was my duty. I had lost a child through vaccination, and believed I nearly lost another. My conscience told me vaccination was wrong. Should I obey the law or my conscience? He replied it is my duty to walk with God, according to the light of conscience.”
The Westminster Larger Catechism (on the 6th Commandment) vs. Vaccination
Vaccination both injures and kills – and on a large scale at that. And so, as the Catechism describes, it is not, as its propagandists assert, a “lawful and necessary means of preservation of life,” or “a sober use of … physic [medicine].” On the contrary, it is “striking, wounding,” and even the “taking away the life of ourselves, or of others.”
Christians have no moral duty to take the Covid vaccine: A Response to David K. Vallance
The well-researched article thoroughly demolishes the false idea that Christians should get the COVID shot, as well as historical myths about vaccination. We highly recommend reading and sharing this article, as well as following his website, as it addresses vaccination from a Christian/biblical perspective (which is rare!).