Ethics, History, Mass Murder

Reaping and Sowing DEATH via Vaccination (Mary C. Hume-Rothery, 1881)

“Pro-vaccinators attack the healthy infant, break down the harmony of natural action, infuse filth into the blood, and set up inflammation or fermentation in the system, the consequences of which it is impossible to foretell or estimate; in a word they disease a child, and weaken, inevitably, its vital powers, in order to strengthen it to resist disease or to recover from it if attacked. Talk of common sense! This is positive imbecility. Again, it is one of the unmistakeable laws of order (revealed in natural phenomena no less than in written revelation) that “as a man sows so also shall he reap”; that it is vain to sow thorns and expect to gather grapes, or to sow thistles and look for figs.” — Mary C. Hume-Rothery (1881)

Deception, History

Vaccination Likened to the Mark of the Beast (1878)

“Whatever the spiritual interpretation may be of the remarkable prophecy in Revelations concerning the “mark of the beast,” without which no man was to buy or sell, it is clear that it has received a most singular realistic fulfilment in modern Christendom, the nations of which are agreed in marking themselves, and even their helpless infants, at the earliest possible age, with the foul beast-mark of vaccination …” — Marcy C. Hume-Rothery


Calls for the CRIMINALIZATION of Vaccination in History

“Poisoning and spreading infection, are by the penal Laws of England Felony. Inoculation falls in with the first without any Contradiction; and if a Person of so weak a Constitution, that any the least Illness may prove fatal to him, should be inoculated, and suffer but the tenth Part of what several of the Inoculated have done, he must unavoidably perish, and his Inoculator deemed guilty of willful Poisoning.” — Dr. William Douglass, 1722