The words of Reverend Isaac L. Peebles, while given in 1902, are very relevant for today — repent, vaccinators!
Tag: Ethics
Should Anti-vaxxers Embrace a Pro-abortion Philosophy?
Just as abortion is an infringement on a child’s right to life, so is vaccination. To a vaccinated child, it makes no difference whether it was due to a government mandate, or to the choice of his parents; both are equally tyrannical and dangerous.
Should the Church Work to Oppose Vaccines if Christ’s Kingdom is not of this World?
Let us never think that there is any segment of the universe where Christ is not supreme: the dangerous “no king but Caesar” (John 19:15b) mentality. Christ must be obeyed in all circumstances, not just “spiritual” matters. As such, let us not pass by those in need in any circumstance, but rather, like the Good Samaritan, work to reform society by helping the oppressed.
Ten Facts about Vaccines and Safety
This video by First Freedoms is an excellent concise ethical critique of vaccines.