Thanks to the labors of men such as Kuyper, a voice against mandatory vaccination would be entrenched in the public sphere of the Netherlands. Kuyper, then, did not use his influence to shill for vaccination — as so many do today. Rather, as an adherent of the Christian religion, he worked to protect people from being forced to undergo this pagan poison rite.
Tag: Ethics
Vaccination as Considered “doing evil that good may come” in Christian History
Christians have always been divided on the ethics of vaccination. As for those who have seen vaccination for the evil that it is, the recognition that vaccination is “doing evil that good may come” is not novel; there has been Christians who have discerned this throughout the history of vaccination (and its forerunner, inoculation).
Aborted Fetuses in the MMR Vaccine – Christians and Vaccinations (Generations Radio)
Kevin Swanson is one pastor who is not afraid to criticize vaccines. In this episode of Generations Radio he discusses both vaccines and the ethics of using aborted fetal tissue for vaccines.
A Critique of the Gospel Coalition’s Pro-vaccine Piece “What Christians Should Know About Vaccines”
Jordan Wilson answers the Gospel Coalition’s horribly misguided pro-vaccine piece titled “The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About Vaccines.” Well-researched and highly recommended for Christians (or anyone, for that matter) who might be struggling with this issue.
Should Nurses Who Know Vaccines are Dangerous Vaccinate Patients?
When nurses realize the dangers of vaccines, is it okay for them to continue to vaccinate? Hear Sallie O. Elkordy and Dr. Viera Scheibner weigh in on this in this interview with Scheibner on Vaccine Induced SIDS/Cot Death & SBS.