In alternative media, there are two clashing narratives regarding Putin’s Russia and the War in Ukraine: that Russia is fighting against the evil Globalist system, or that Russia is actually supporting it. See this topic debated in “Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?”
Tag: Debate
Watch the Great Vaccine Debate in Harlem (Pro-vaccine Narrative Crushed Again)
Here is the recent vaccine debate in Harlem. Four combatants on each side. Pro-vaxxers vs. those who are either anti-vaccine, or at least advocate “safer” vaccines (as if vaccines can ever be safe enough).
Check out this Revealing 1969 Debate between 2 Pro-vaxxers (Talking Points have Changed!)
This is the kind of debate you are very unlikely to see today — which I why I’m surprised that it’s available on a government website. Check this out and see how talking points have changed!
The Forbidden Debate: “Pro-vaxx” Research Scientist Versus Del Bigtree
The debate Facebook doesn’t want you to see! “Pro-vaxxer” research scientist debates Del Bigtree on vaccines. At the ending, Facebook pulled the debate from its platform; apparently, the pro-vaxx narrative didn’t do well, and even the pro-vaxx scientist seems open-minded.
Vaccines/Autism Debate: J.B. Handley Destroys “Expert” Doctors
J.B. Handley does a great job destroying the ignorance of the “expert” doctors on vaccines and autism.