Dr. Suzanne Humphries discusses some of the Trailblazers/Outliers/Whistleblowers in vaccine history. Predictably, they were ignored to protect the vaccine idol from reproach.
Tag: Corruption
A Critique of the Unbiblical, Unjust, and Irrational Immunity from Liability Given to Vaccine Companies
Vaccine companies are immune from liability when their vaccines injure and kill. Christopher Johnson discusses why this government protection is unbiblical and hence unjust — and why it is irrational to trust that vaccines are safe in such a system (aside from the fact that vaccines are inescapably unsafe to begin with.)
A Critique of the Gospel Coalition’s Pro-vaccine Piece “What Christians Should Know About Vaccines”
Jordan Wilson answers the Gospel Coalition’s horribly misguided pro-vaccine piece titled “The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About Vaccines.” Well-researched and highly recommended for Christians (or anyone, for that matter) who might be struggling with this issue.
1982 Vaccine Documentary (DPT: Vaccine Roulette)
Watch the Emmy Award winning documentary “DPT: Vaccine Roulette,” produced by Lea Thompson and released in 1982. A very informative presentation on the corruption and darkness that surrounds the vaccine industry, that is characterized by deception and murder.
Wild Doc confronts “Vaccine Expert,” Dr. William Schaffner
Watch as the Wild Doc confronts a vaccine “expert” with the critical questions we should all be demanding answers to. From vaccine safety, CDC fraud, Merck mumps lawsuit, CDC whistleblower and increases in cervical cancer since HPV vaccine approval.