Surely for many, the truth about COVID and the death shot is not important enough to seriously research. Ever tell someone about all the deaths from the COVID shot, and they don’t seem troubled, or bother asking you for more info to determine if this is true?
Tag: Coronavirus
MUST WATCH: Christian Resistance in this Dark Hour (Pastor Matthew Trewhella)
A sobering sermon on the malevolent plans of the Corona Fascists (including forced vaccination and quarantine camps) — and the duties of Christians to resist, including 1) repentance, 2) fighting, and 3) building. The time is now to speak out and warn people. They are coming for you and your children — and everyone you care about.
WATCH: Pastor WARNS about COVID Shot, EXPOSES Propaganda Tactics
Watch this excellent brief video by Pastor Matt Trewhella, one of the earliest pastors to speak out against the COVID death shot. Here he warns about the vaccine and exposes propaganda tactics designed to manipulate you into taking this lethal injection.
Disease Hysteria: a Precursor to Violence and Genocide (remember the Nazis?)
An historical overview of disease hysteria as a precursor to violence and genocide. Remember the Nazis? History repeats. Those who oppose the COVID death shot are “super spreaders” — a threat to society.
NUREMBERG 2.0: those Behind the Scamdemic and the COVID Death Shot MUST go to Trial
“The privilege of opening the first trial in history for crimes against the peace of the world imposes a grave responsibility. The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored, because it cannot survive their being repeated.” — Justice Robert H. Jackson’s, Chief American Prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials