Is another genocidal COVID shot on the way — this time, one that is supposedly pro-life? Not all vaccinations use aborted baby tissue — and so if aborted baby tissue is the only moral argument against vaccination, then vaccinations without such tissue are implicitly morally excused. Here are 7 other moral objections to vaccination.
Tag: Christianity
A Refutation of Churches Silencing Dissent about the Scamdemic (Pastor Matthew Trewhella)
Whether or not you are sincere, if you are a church leader who has encouraged the lies of Corona Fascism, you need to stop afflicting your flock, repent immediately, and speak against the evil you have been encouraging. Please listen to this convicting sermon by Pastor Trewhella.
Should Vaccination be a Matter of CHOICE, or CRIMINALIZED?
While acts of assault and murder are officially criminalized, those who vaccinate are granted immunity from being punished for such acts. Is this ethically permissible? Or should vaccination be criminalized as any unlawful act of violence should be?
“GUILTY! And the Sentence is — Death by Vaccination!” On Corona Fascism and Guilt Manipulation
Guilt manipulation is a very powerful tool for everything from cults to totalitarian states to attain control over the minds of people. The Globalists understand this: they have made guilt manipulation one of the central pillars — if not the central pillar — in attaining mass compliance to Corona Fascism. Don’t fall for it!
The COVID Shot, Bribery & Jobs: Don’t Fall for Manipulative Tactics that COULD END YOUR LIFE
Fellow Christians, my plea is for you to stand firm, and never succumb to the manipulative tactics of the globalists to get you to get the death shot. Trust in God, and His provision. Do not go along with the evil vaccine agenda, regardless of the perceived consequences. If you have already gotten the jab, then resolve to never get it again. Let your mindset be of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: