Audio, Christianity, Deception, Inoculation, Interviews, Mass Murder, Paganism, Vaccine Ingredients

Our Interview with Sons of Liberty Radio on “The Dark Idolatrous History Of Vaccines & Their Ties To Population Control”

This is my interview with my friend Tim Brown of The Sons of Liberty about the dark history of vaccination. Interestingly, it took place a couple months before the Scamdemic began (January 2020). Topics include vaccine idolatry, ingredients, deception, and genocide, as well as vaccination being against God’s natural design.

Christianity, Ethics, History

“Amazing Grace” Author John Newton on Reasons to Avoid Vaccination (1777)

“My times are in the Lord’s hands; I am now in health, and am not willing to bring upon myself a disorder [via inoculation], the consequences of which I cannot possibly foresee … I choose to wait [God’s] appointment, and not to rush upon even the possibility of danger without a call. … Let me fall into the hands of the Lord (for his mercies are great) and not into the hands of men.” — John Newton

Christianity, History

Vaccination Defies God’s Natural Laws (1856) (John Gibbs)

“Food is taken into the stomach through the mouth, air into the lungs through the nostrils; but there is no orifice prepared by Divine wisdom for the insertion of the vaccine virus. … The vaccine virus—the baneful discovery of man’s perverted reason—is introduced into the system in defiance of natural laws, and every such violation brings its punishment.”