Is ignorance of the sin of vaccination morally excusable? That is, is it not sinful to vaccinate someone or be vaccinated if one does not know that it violates God’s law, such as the Sixth Commandment?
Tag: Christianity
Should Pastors REFUSE to Warn About the COVID Shot in the Name of “Unity”?
Pastors, let me ask: would you have spoken out about the evils of the Nazis? If some in your church were deluded and supported the Nazis, would you have refrained from condemning the Nazis in the name of “unity”?
Christians have no moral duty to take the Covid vaccine: A Response to David K. Vallance
The well-researched article thoroughly demolishes the false idea that Christians should get the COVID shot, as well as historical myths about vaccination. We highly recommend reading and sharing this article, as well as following his website, as it addresses vaccination from a Christian/biblical perspective (which is rare!).
A Biblical Critique of Vaccination: Part 6: Vaccination is Based on Lies
Vaccination is just a repacking of the Satanic lie from the Serpent in the Garden of Eden: “Ye shall not surely die”. The propagandists assure us that vaccines are safe, when in reality, they are a mass killer, as evidenced by countless witnesses throughout vaccine history.
Vaccine Ethics: Biblical versus “Costs/Benefits”
The crux of the vaccine debate is morality, or ethics. That is, “ought we to vaccinate?” This must be decided by Scripture, as Jesus is King of kings, and has all authority in Heaven and on Earth. Therefore, He must be obeyed in all areas of life; Scripture equips for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16, 17).