An excellent post from Broken Quiet on Martin Luther and the vaccine debate.
Tag: Christianity
A Biblical Critique of Vaccines, Part 3: Vaccination as Doing Evil that Good May Come
The issue in vaccine ethics is not whether there are good results, but whether the action itself is morally lawful according to Scripture. The Bible does not justify disobedience for good outcomes. God’s law is eternal and fixed.
It doesn’t matter how much vaccines are believed to be beneficial. Vaccination, being a poison that endangers one’s health and life and violates the Sixth Commandment, stands condemned by Scripture (Romans 3:8); it is doing evil that good may come.
Facebook Group: Christians Praying Against Forced Vaccinations
This is just what we need — a prayer group devoted to overturning forced vaccinations. Remember, spiritual weapons are the most powerful weapons for overturning vaccine tyranny.
Informative Vaccine Info Page from Reformed Health
A new post from Reformed Health has lots of important info on vaccines. This is great material for learning more about the topic, or for helping someone see the truth about vaccines.
A Biblical Critique of Vaccines, Part 2: Vaccination as a Violation of the Sixth Commandment
Countless people throughout vaccine history have testified to friends and family members suffering injuries or deaths following vaccination. Injuries may range from everything from allergies, to autoimmune disorders, to “autism.” Deaths may be miscarriages, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and cancer.
To dismiss so many testimonies as “coincidence” seems patently dishonest. Vaccination, then, is a violation of the 6th Commandment and therefore sinful.