Online services are better than nothing, but are we harming ourselves spiritually by neglecting to assemble for worship? It may be that even online services become severely restricted soon anyway, due to internet censorship. For instance, sermon content may be censored for being politically incorrect.
Tag: Christianity
COVID-19 & Quarantine Laws (Pastor Matthew Trewhella)
“God’s Word speaks to all matters of life, including the matter of quarantining. The Lord speaks of this in His law in Leviticus 13. And when we look at the law of God we see one thing that comes through loud and clear – you do NOT quarantine the whole of society – rather you quarantine the sick.”
COVID-19 Analysis from a Christian Worldview by Cardiologist Daniel O’Roark
Read this excellent succinct analysis of COVID-19 from a Christian worldview by Cardiologist Daniel O’Roark, DO, FACC. From the paper: Purpose: To briefly analyze the relevant, currently available data (as of 3.24.2020) regarding the COVID-19 (CV) pandemic and the administrative – public health response to it in the context of a CHRISTIAN world and life view. Provide recommendations as to…
Vaccine Resistance Tactics and Scripture
There are many ways vaccine tyranny, that is, mandatory vaccination, can be combated. As Christians, we are not to approach resistance to tyranny as revolutionaries eager to shed blood. On the other hand, we are not to obey commands to do evil (such as vaccinate), since “We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29b).
A Biblical Critique of Vaccines: Part 4: Natural Food versus Unnatural Vaccine Ingredients
Not vaccinating is a no-brainer when we consider that vaccination is the injection of unnatural substances into the body. It is a witch’s brew of death.