The extreme use of masks in the name of fighting COVID-19 — “face binding — is the new foot binding. It is an unnatural infliction of violence upon the wearers. Just as foot binding was done in order to fulfill the twisted desires of tyrannical men of the past, so masks are used to fulfill the twisted desires of tyrannical overlords of today.
Tag: Christianity
Reopen Fauquier County Rally Speech (Pastor Jason Garwood)
“At times like this we need faithful men and faithful women. … Where are the pastors and civil magistrates standing on principle instead of pragmatism? Who dare to boldly say, ‘No, tyrants, we will not obey you.'”
COVID-19 Analysis from a Christian Worldview: Part 2 (by Cardiologist Daniel O’Roark)
Cardiologist Daniel O’Roark, DO, FACC. has written an excellent followup piece to his analysis of COVID-19 from a Christian worldview. Christian readers can get a biblical perspective here that they will rarely find elsewhere.
Why Churches must Oppose Mandated Social Distancing: it’s not as Benign as you Think
Here are some reasons why making “social distancing” (really, social conditioning) the normal way of life will spell disaster for the church.
The “New Normal” is Old — Atheistic Socialism Cloaked as Coronavirus Eradication
What we are being told is that the tyrannical measures by the Coronacrats are the “new normal.” They’re not. They’re just a repackaged version of the older atheistic socialism cloaked as Coronavirus Eradication.