Recently, we released an article on the failure of too many Christian leaders to warn about the COVID vaccine. Thankfully, Pastor Matthew Trewhella is not one of those, and just preached a sermon against the vaccine. Thank you, Pastor Trewhella! Lord willing, others will follow his example.
Tag: Christianity
Christian Leaders — WHEN will you Warn Christians about the COVID Vaccine?
Whatever the motive, whatever the reason, there seems to be a deafening silence among a great number in church leadership. This is truly incredible. How can someone – especially a church leader — be silent in the face of so much genocide?
WATCH: David Knight to Christian Leaders Promoting the COVID Vaccine: God will Hold you Accountable
“If [these Christian leaders are] going to talk about vaccines, then do a little research about it first. Or just shut up. Because you’re going to be held accountable for what you say. The people that are injured because of what you tell them to do, you’ll be held accountable for that.”
Petition for Churches to Publicly Oppose the Use of Aborted Babies in Vaccines
Around the world there is an increasing push to remove the ability for people to decline vaccines for themselves or their dependents for religious reasons. Why? Because no churches have statements objecting to vaccines for any reason.
New Book on Health from a Biblical Worldview: “Health for All of Life: A Medical Manifesto of Hope and Healing for the Nations”
God’s word applies to all of life, and thus we can find biblical principles for even health in Scripture. Thus, the new book Health for All of Life: A Medical Manifesto of Hope and Healing for the Nations is long overdo.