Resource Library

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Vaccines Kill

Before Vaccinating: Read these Countless Accounts of Vaccine-caused Deaths and Injuries

Vaccine-caused Infant Death: Thousands of Babies in the U.S. Slain per Year

A Safe Vaccine? Why there never has been, and there never will be (Dr Suzanne Humphries)

Vaccine Fraud

You’ve been Conned: Polio was Redefined, Making the Vaccine Look Effective

Statistics and Vaccination — a Tortured History

Father of Infectious Disease Epidemiology: Measles is a “low fatality” Disease

Death Certificates and Hiding the Vaccine Holocaust

Medical History/Profession

The Inquisition Against Opponents of Bad Medical Practices

The Medical Profession’s Legacy of Tyranny, Torture, and Murder

Dr. Robert Mendelsohn on the Medical Religion & Programmed Doctor Responses

Vaccine Ethics

Vaccine Ethics: Biblical versus “Costs/Benefits”

Vaccination as Human Sacrifice and Molech Worship

Vaccine Research: The Berean Spirit versus Blind Trust

Should Anti-vaxxers Embrace a Pro-abortion Philosophy?

Should Nurses Who Know Vaccines are Dangerous Vaccinate Patients?

Aborted Fetal Tissue: the Complicity of Vaccine Developers and Medical Researchers in Abortion

A Critique of the Unbiblical, Unjust, and Irrational Immunity from Liability Given to Vaccine Companies

Ten Facts about Vaccines and Safety

Vaccines and Genetics

Aborted Fetal DNA in Vaccines: Does it Contribute to Transgenderism?

Animal DNA in Vaccines: What Could we be Creating?

Vaccines and Logic

Vaccines make Diseases Disappear? Correlation is not Necessarily Causation

“Correlation is not Causation”: an Irrational Dismissal of Countless Vaccine-Caused Deaths

God’s Sovereignty/Christ’s Kingship

God’s Sovereign Control Over Diseases

Should the Church Work to Oppose Vaccines if Christ’s Kingdom is not of this World?

Resistance/Call to Action

Urgent: Pray for God to Prevent Mandatory Vaccination Laws

“Let my people go”: the Urgent Need for Christian Leaders to Oppose Vaccination

Urgent — Speak Out about Vaccines & Corruption before it’s too Late (Alan Phillips)

Forced Vaccinations and Hiding the Baby Moses

A Good Example of how Christians can Deal with Death Threats for Opposing Vaccines

The Historic and Biblical Concept of Interposition (Pastor Matthew Trewhella)

Vaccination as Tyrannical/Idolatry

Vaccination as Human Sacrifice and Molech Worship

They Want to Subjugate You: Vaccination as the Established Religion

Disease Hysteria: a Precursor to Violence and Genocide

Vaccines and the Neo-Pagan Physician

Vaccine Law Fosters Anti-Semitism in Rockland County, NY

Dr. Robert Mendelsohn on the Medical Religion & Programmed Doctor Responses

Vaccine History

Unsafe & Deceptive — the Polio Vaccine Scam

Opposition to Vaccines by Doctors and Others in History

The Inoculation Controversy of the 1700s

A Brief, Untold History of Vaccines

Christian/Biblical Perspectives in History

Moral Objections to Vaccination and Inoculation in History

Vaccination as Considered “doing evil that good may come” in Christian History

Willem Bilderdijk on the Evil of Using the Pulpit to Promote Vaccines

Reverend Isaac Lockhart Peebles on the Insanity of Vaccination (1902)

Reverend William Hume-Rothery Ethically and Logically Refutes Vaccination (1872)

How long, O Lord, shall Medical Despots “do iniquity by law?” (1881)

Dr. Abraham Capadose: a Model Vaccine Opponent in Christian History

Quote: Vaccines and Calling Evil Good, and Good Evil (1892)

Christian Sermons/Talks/Articles

A Critique of the Gospel Coalition’s Pro-vaccine Piece “What Christians Should Know About Vaccines”

“God Does Not Support Vaccines” by Megan Redshaw

Sermon: Aborted Baby DNA in Vaccines (Afshin Yaghtin)

Aborted Fetuses in the MMR Vaccine – Christians and Vaccinations (Generations Radio)

Powerful: Doctor Earnestly Apologizes for Vaccinating, calls Vaccines “an Agenda from the Devil Himself”

Michael Farris on “The Vax Hysteria”


1983 Vaccine Debate on the Donahue Show (includes Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn)

Vaccines/Autism Debate: J.B. Handley Destroys “Expert” Doctors

Wild Doc confronts “Vaccine Expert,” Dr. William Schaffner

Informed Mom Demolishes Vaccine Propaganda in Interview

PBS Vaccine Debate

Vaccines and Autism Debate (Del Bigtree, Mark Blaxill and Allen Frances)

The Forbidden Debate: “Pro-vaxx” Research Scientist Versus Del Bigtree

“The Wild Doc” Annihilates the Vaccine Narrative in News Interview

Concerned Father Pleads to End the Vaccine Madness at Public Health Committee


Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of Vaccines

1998 Documentary: “Vaccination: The Hidden Truth”

1982 Vaccine Documentary (DPT: Vaccine Roulette)

Faith and Recovery

Faith Sustains Mother of Vaccine-injured Child


“One Shot, Many Deaths”: an Excellent Christ-Honoring Anti-Vaccine Song


Quarantine in Christian History

Legal Defense

Heritage Defense (Legal Protection from Medical Tyranny for Christian Homeschool Families)

Genocide/Population Control

Vaccines for Population Control: Why?

Abortion-causing Vaccines openly Promoted in Pro-Vaxx Circles

The Vaccine Genocide Chronicles: Part 1: the Australian Aborigines

The Vaccine Genocide Chronicles: Part 2: Slaughter in the Philippines

The Vaccine Genocide Chronicles: Part 3: Terror in Uganda

The Vaccine Genocide Chronicles: Part 4: Covert use of Abortion-causing Vaccines Around the World

Death Certificates and Hiding the Vaccine Holocaust

The Perfect Storm for a VACCINE HOLOCAUST is Now Here

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