This is a very inspirational video of the mother of a vaccine-injured child (who has autism); her faith sets a good example of how to deal with such trying circumstances. Please keep her and her family in prayer.
Abortion-causing Vaccines openly Promoted in Pro-Vaxx Circles
It is ironic that, while some pro-vaxxers baselessly accuse vaccine critics of wanting to kill children, it is actually pro-vaxx leadership and literature that openly plots this very thing — namely, murdering unborn children in the womb with vaccines in the name of population control.
Ten Facts about Vaccines and Safety
This video by First Freedoms is an excellent concise ethical critique of vaccines.
1983 Vaccine Debate on the Donahue Show (includes Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn)
An excellent discussion/debate on vaccines on the Donahue Show in 1983. Includes the late Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, a courageous critic of vaccines in the twentieth century, against a pro-vaccine doctor. As usual, the anti-vaccine side dominants the discussion with facts and reason.
The Vaccine Genocide Chronicles: Part 3: Terror in Uganda
Uganda is an example of how vaccination has caused untold suffering to countless families. Imagine seeing your children being rounded up and forcefully given a deadly poison at the point of a gun, and then witnessing them dying in your arms soon afterwards.
Such terror and wickedness the Ugandans and other Africans have suffered again and again — all to appease that merciless idol of the medical religious cult, vaccination.