“The Wild Doc,” Dr. Dale Brown, recently did a great job destroying the phony vaccine narrative in an interview with a local news channel. While most of Brown’s comments were (predictably) not aired, this video has the interview in its entirety.
Measles is a “low fatality” Disease (shareable graphic)
Learn more about what Dr. Langmuir said here.
The Historic and Biblical Concept of Interposition (Pastor Matthew Trewhella)
Pastor Matthew Trewhella discusses the historical and biblical concept of interposition — the duty of lesser magistrates to oppose tyrannical rulers. These principles need to be applied by civil rulers to protect the innocent from tyrannical vaccine laws.
Vaccinators, Repent! (shareable graphic)
The words of Reverend Isaac L. Peebles, while given in 1902, are very relevant for today — repent, vaccinators!
Should Anti-vaxxers Embrace a Pro-abortion Philosophy?
Just as abortion is an infringement on a child’s right to life, so is vaccination. To a vaccinated child, it makes no difference whether it was due to a government mandate, or to the choice of his parents; both are equally tyrannical and dangerous.