The piece below is from the The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review, December, 1881. Very relevant for today — let us cry out for God to put an end to the murderous practice of vaccination.
A Critique of the Unbiblical, Unjust, and Irrational Immunity from Liability Given to Vaccine Companies
Vaccine companies are immune from liability when their vaccines injure and kill. Christopher Johnson discusses why this government protection is unbiblical and hence unjust — and why it is irrational to trust that vaccines are safe in such a system (aside from the fact that vaccines are inescapably unsafe to begin with.)
Sermon: Aborted Baby DNA in Vaccines (Afshin Yaghtin)
A good sermon on aborted baby DNA and other vaccine topics by Afshin Yaghtin. Hopefully more pastors will be emboldened by this and likewise preach against the dangers and evils of vaccines.
Informed Mom Demolishes Vaccine Propaganda in Interview
See Dara Berger, author of “How to Prevent Autism: Expert Advice from Medical Professionals” and mother of a vaccine injured child, demolish vaccine propaganda in this discussion with a vaccine supporter.
Vaccination as Considered “doing evil that good may come” in Christian History
Christians have always been divided on the ethics of vaccination. As for those who have seen vaccination for the evil that it is, the recognition that vaccination is “doing evil that good may come” is not novel; there has been Christians who have discerned this throughout the history of vaccination (and its forerunner, inoculation).