Good sermon! Pastor/Dr. Jason Garwood critiques vaccine tyranny fostered by statist idolatry, and calls to end the silence on vaccines. Pray other pastors follow his example.
A History of Vaccine Whistleblowers
Dr. Suzanne Humphries discusses some of the Trailblazers/Outliers/Whistleblowers in vaccine history. Predictably, they were ignored to protect the vaccine idol from reproach.
Bad Fruit of a Bad Tree: Unnatural Vaccination Produces an Unnatural Immune Response
The following post by Shawn Siegel discusses how the unnatural process of vaccination produces an unnatural immune response. Vaccination, at its core, is a foolish attempt to be wiser than God — Who created the immune system to work in a particular way — and as such, such an attempt can only result in disaster.
A Way to Subvert Vaccine Genocide without the Internet
This tactic can be used a means to subvert the ongoing vaccine genocide. It requires no Internet — which is especially important as true information about vaccines is becoming more and more censored online. Someday, we may be shut down completely.
Adult Vaccination Mandates in 2020?
According to Del Bigtree, there is an agenda for adult vaccination mandates in 2020. Christians, pray against this!