This is the kind of debate you are very unlikely to see today — which I why I’m surprised that it’s available on a government website. Check this out and see how talking points have changed!
Neonatal Nurse on Vaccines, Cowardice, and the “Mass Annihilation of an Entire Generation of Children”
“Nobody had the balls to actually stand up and do anything. If everybody had stood up and said “we’re not going to stand for mandatory flu shots in the hospital,” the whole thing would have gone away because they would have had no staff to run the hospital.
“And if all the doctors stood up and said … “I’m not going to stand for this anymore,” it would all be over.
“So everybody sitting around and doing nothing, collecting their paychecks, they’re all complicit in the mass annihilation of an entire generation of children.”
A Nightmarish, Dystopian Scenario like this may be just around the Corner. Church, Speak Out Now!
Check out this presentation, delivered a few years ago. We may have something like this very soon. It reminds me of a dream a fellow Christian described as having (several times), where we are being taken away by the thousands to be killed because we won’t submit to vaccine tyranny. We must look to Christ for deliverance.
Pastor Robert Rohlin Warns about Vaccine Ingredients in Sermon on Protecting Your Family
Rare to hear in sermons! Pastor Robert Rohlin discusses the dangerous ingredients that are injected into the body via vaccination, and makes some excellent points.
Vaccines are not of God: a Heartfelt Plea for Christians to Abandon the Darkness
On the excellent website No Deception, Ginger Taylor has written a powerful piece imploring Christians to distance themselves from the dark, evil world of the vaccine industry.
Read it and share it. These are exactly the kind of convicting words we need to foster an awakening in the church. Many Scriptures are given.