Call to Action, Videos

Powerful Talk by Former NFL Player on Why Men Must Take a Stand NOW Against Vaccine Tyranny

“Hesitation is what this agenda is calling for. This agenda is calling for people to stay silent. Good people, and men specifically to stay silent. Because if men stay silent they will be able to roll right over the top of us and take all of our rights away … and we only have a specific amount of time — it’s a window of opportunity for men to get up and get involved.”

History, Paganism

Vaccine Idolatry in History

Vaccination lends itself to idolatry, as it is — like idolatry — fiction mingled with rebellion against God. Throughout vaccine history, we find the problem of vaccine idolatry an ongoing problem.

Call to Action, Health Freedom Sanctuaries, Mass Murder, Medical Tyranny, Opposition

The Time is Now for Health Freedom Sanctuary Cities

The rise of 2nd Amendment sanctuaries should embolden any just civil ruler or law enforcement officer in defying tyranny. We implore all civil rulers and law enforcement officers concerned with justice to likewise immediately refuse to enforce any and all vaccine mandates — whether current mandates, or mandates to come. We implore them to create Health Freedom Sanctuaries, and thereby preemptively crush a nationwide Vaccine Holocaust.