Christianity, Coronavirus, History, Medical Tyranny

Face Binding: Masks as the New Foot Binding

The extreme use of masks in the name of fighting COVID-19 — “face binding — is the new foot binding. It is an unnatural infliction of violence upon the wearers. Just as foot binding was done in order to fulfill the twisted desires of tyrannical men of the past, so masks are used to fulfill the twisted desires of tyrannical overlords of today.

History, Riots

Eerie Parallels: Today’s Rioters Repeat the Tactics of Nazi Germany

Nazi Germany’s “German Lives Matter” movement justified its carnage in the name of a German who was killed by a Jew — just as today’s rioters justify their carnage in the name of a black man who was killed by a white police officer. (Not that the German rioters acted on behalf of all Germans, nor that today’s rioters really act on behalf of all blacks.)


Faceless! The Mask: Myths, Hazards, Superstitions, and Uses for Subjugation

The mask. Is it really helpful – or is it actually counterproductive and dangerous? And then, to dig dipper, what is its true purpose? Is it as benign as putting it on and off, or are there darker forces at work? Is it for our own good, or for something more sinister? Finally, has it become for many something beyond a matter of health, and rather an act of religion or superstition?