History, Mass Murder

WARNING FROM 1722: Vaccination can be a Tool of Deliberate Murder

“This Practice opens a Door to innumerable Villanies and Murders, in the Case of Infants, Orphans, &c. giving Opportunity to several Persons, and in several Circumstances; some of which I shall mention, to murder innocent Children, committed to their Keeping, with Impunity, and without the Murtherer being liable to any Punishment or Prosecution: And as this is a Mischief, which merits to be considered very seriously, and is worthy the Cognisance of the Legislature.” – The New Practice of Inoculating the Small-Pox Consider’d (1722)

Biblical Critique of Vaccines Series, Christianity, Ethics

A Biblical Critique of Vaccines, Part 7: Vaccination Disregards the Interdependence of the Body Systems

In essence, vaccination says to your most vital immunological defenses, “I have no need of you” — despite their critical role in a proper immunological response and in filtering poisons (such as vaccine ingredients). Practically speaking, when vaccination is performed, the organs and protections that it bypasses are removed, as their uses in that occasion are nullified.