Fellow Christians, my plea is for you to stand firm, and never succumb to the manipulative tactics of the globalists to get you to get the death shot. Trust in God, and His provision. Do not go along with the evil vaccine agenda, regardless of the perceived consequences. If you have already gotten the jab, then resolve to never get it again. Let your mindset be of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego:
RACIST VACCINE HISTORY: Blacks Considered “Spreaders,” persecuted by Forced Jab (share widely)
“In arrogance the wicked hotly pursue the poor; let them be caught in the schemes that they have devised.” (Psalm 10:2, ESV) by Stephen Halbrook The evils of vaccine history provide the blueprints for future vaccine tyranny. The opposition to vaccination we are seeing today is starting to be met with the same draconian measures as yesterday: vilification, “get the…
WATCH: Does Romans 13 Require Absolute Obedience to Civil Government? (by Pastor Matthew Trewhella)
An excellent analysis of Romans 13 by Pastor Matthew Trewhella of Defy Tyrants and author of the influential book The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates. Very relevant for our times.
THEY WANT TO KILL YOU: Pastor Warns about Genocide in Sermon “Nehemiah Confronts a Conspiracy”
Good sermon by Pastor Joel Saint on the importance of recognizing and confronting conspirators, including tips on how to defeat them. In the sermon, he points out what too few are — that the Globalist elite want to kill us.
COVID Mythology, Self-deception, and DEATH via the “Majority of Experts”
Deceived by himself and hundreds of false prophets, King Ahab was deluded into thinking that he would survive battle — despite word from God Himself that he would not. Like Ahab, many get the COVID shot, thinking they will be fine despite hearing reports to the contrary, and suffer the consequences. Self-deception is deadly. Avoid it!