Regarding the connection between fleeing “when none pursues you” and God’s judgment per Leviticus 26:17: Could the mass psychosis that we are seeing be a judgment of God for our sins? The world has been in rebellion against God for the longest time. It’s hard for me to see it as anything otherwise.
DOES ANYONE CARE??? Cruel Indifference to Corona Fascism and the COVID Death Shot
Surely for many, the truth about COVID and the death shot is not important enough to seriously research. Ever tell someone about all the deaths from the COVID shot, and they don’t seem troubled, or bother asking you for more info to determine if this is true?
MUST WATCH: Christian Resistance in this Dark Hour (Pastor Matthew Trewhella)
A sobering sermon on the malevolent plans of the Corona Fascists (including forced vaccination and quarantine camps) — and the duties of Christians to resist, including 1) repentance, 2) fighting, and 3) building. The time is now to speak out and warn people. They are coming for you and your children — and everyone you care about.
BE PREPARED to Lose Your Job for Rejecting the DEATH SHOT (Pastor Matthew Trewhella)
It’s here, and it’s time. You must be prepared to lose your job. You must be ready to become an outcast of society. This is the end goal of the tyrants – to force everyone to compromise into a global anti-christ system.
Depopulation and Genocide: Natural in a Fallen World
Those aware of the enormous scale of vaccine genocide today via the COVID death shot may ask, “Why?! Why would people be so deceptively murderous?” Sadly, depopulation and genocide via deception was attempted by Satan at the very beginning.