The Corona Fascists are caught together in the web of their wickedness; on this road, it is hard to turn back. This brings to mind the idea of “blood cement,” which the Nazis applied. In blood cement, oppressors become “blood brothers” — bound together by criminal acts. They are tied by mutual guilt, mutual blackmail, and mutual fear of retribution from those they oppress.
The Duty of Elders in the Face of a Tyrant Government
“Elders must point to their people and show them the gravity of the situation that they’re in. And help them understand the amount of lies that they are being bombarded with. They have to show them that they need to be able to navigate this mass surveillance of lies.”
Moral Objections to Vaccination: Do NOT Rely Exclusively on Aborted Baby Tissue
Is another genocidal COVID shot on the way — this time, one that is supposedly pro-life? Not all vaccinations use aborted baby tissue — and so if aborted baby tissue is the only moral argument against vaccination, then vaccinations without such tissue are implicitly morally excused. Here are 7 other moral objections to vaccination.
A Refutation of Churches Silencing Dissent about the Scamdemic (Pastor Matthew Trewhella)
Whether or not you are sincere, if you are a church leader who has encouraged the lies of Corona Fascism, you need to stop afflicting your flock, repent immediately, and speak against the evil you have been encouraging. Please listen to this convicting sermon by Pastor Trewhella.
On the MISERIES of the Corona Fascist Oppressors
If it seems like our Corona Fascist oppressors have it better than us, consider this: the life of the oppressor is one of a constant state of anxiety, even torment. He has to worry about vengeance from those he has wronged, betrayal from his corrupt companions, and the wrath of God Almighty.