“Poisoning and spreading infection, are by the penal Laws of England Felony. Inoculation falls in with the first without any Contradiction; and if a Person of so weak a Constitution, that any the least Illness may prove fatal to him, should be inoculated, and suffer but the tenth Part of what several of the Inoculated have done, he must unavoidably perish, and his Inoculator deemed guilty of willful Poisoning.” — Dr. William Douglass, 1722
Leading Vaccine Rights Attorney Alan Phillips Needs Help
Please consider the following from an email sent to his subscribers; you can also assist in his medical expenses (the context of which is below) here. Also, if you are a Christian, please pray for him.
Vaccine Research: The Berean Spirit versus Blind Trust
When it comes to obedience to God regarding vaccines, research (of material uncorrupted by Big Pharma propaganda) is necessary; as is a consideration of biblical ethics. The Berean Spirit is crucial to fulfilling the Sixth Commandment: “Thou shalt not kill.”
Rev. George Litten refuses to “pollute his children by the cruel and unnatural practice of vaccination” (1880)
“I can obey the laws of my country only so far as they are in harmony with the laws of God, and when any law interferes with my duty to my family or my God, I feel no longer compelled to obey it; and this law of compulsory vaccination unquestionably comes into collision with both.”
Christian Opposition to Vaccination in History
Lots of quotes on historical opposition to vaccination by Christians and those influenced by Christianity and Scripture. Get the historical perspective that has been ignored for too long!