The following was written in The National Anti-compulsory-vaccination Reporter in 1878. It critiques vaccination on biblical and medical grounds, exposes it as a fraudulent and dangerous practice, and condemns the tyranny of compulsory vaccination:
WATCH: “Christians Wake Up!” (A Powerful Biblical Critique of the COVID Vaccine)
This is a powerful video from Matthew Ryan Byers that cuts to the chase about the evils of the COVID shot. Highly recommended for those struggling with vaccine ethics. Byers has put a lot of thought into applying Scripture to the matter of vaccination; as he shows, taking the COVID shot is NOT a moral option.
Reverend William Hume-Rothery Ethically and Logically Refutes Vaccination (1872)
“The theory of this so-called Vaccination is that we must do evil that good may come : create a disease to prevent a disease; a minor, which may be followed by life-long sufferings or a speedy and untimely death, to prevent a major, which might never occur, and could not possibly occur if the laws of health were faithfully obeyed. This theory would justify every description of wickedness within certain bounds. It, and the practice alluded to, which is based upon it, must, therefore, be indefensible on any Christian or rational ground whatever.”
Dr. Francis Collins: “Devout Christian” wants More White Evangelical Christians to Take the Death Shot
Time Magazine describes him (who is pro-evolution, by the way) as a “devout Christian.” I suppose today, “devout” means spreading lies and engaging in mass murder. The pro-evolution organization that he founded, BioLogos, calls him “a good and faithful servant.” To God — or to the genocidal Globalists?
Christian Culture Expert: the COVID Shot is Mass Murder, taking it is NOT an Option
“[Y]ou really don’t have the freedom to take this — to take something that will harm you, harm your body, even harm those around you, with spike proteins being shed by you. … It’s not even an option for someone to do it. Suicide is not an option.”