History, Paganism

Satire on the Religion of Vaccination (1878)

And, whereas, the said Joseph Abel doth still refuse to bow down and worship the vaccine image which a medical priesthood has set up, or submit his child to their blood-polluting rites, we have directed further proceedings to be taken against him.”

Ethics, History

Vaccination with Animal Matter: Medical Bestiality? Some Historical Quotes

“It is God’s command, that man shall not lie with any manner of beast—not contaminate the form of the Creator with the brute creation. Whether vaccination be agreeable to the will and ordinances of God, is a question worthy of the consideration of the contemplative and learned ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ …” — Dr. William Rowley, 1806


“Salvation” Army Pushes Vaccination — even though Co-founder called it a “MONSTROUS SYSTEM”

“We believe that getting the [COVID-19] vaccine is a way for all of us to show our love for each other, keep each other safe …” — Salvation Army today

“Who knows how much some of us have suffered through life owing to the ‘immortal Jenner’? … The latent seeds of all manner of diseases are doubtless sown in thousands of healthy children.” — Salvation Army co-founder Catherine Booth on vaccination (1868)