This is a sobering documentary (focused in the UK) on the torments that many suffer who are injured by the COVID shot. Many of those who do not die from the vaccine have had their health, livelihood, and social life destroyed by this bioweapon. Many are driven to suicide.
How Many MUST DIE from Trump’s Vaccine Before his Supporters WAKE UP?
How many thousands or millions must die or be severely injured from the COVID death shot before Trump’s supporters stop backing him? Many oppose the shot, and yet make excuses for supporting a mass murderer.
Are ANY Politicians Willing to Acknowledge Vaccine Genocide? Let us Know!
This silence in the face of mass murder shows that the corridors of power are filled with incompetents or cowards at best — and psychopaths at worst. We are a sick, twisted nation that cares nothing for the innocent. No wonder drag queen shows targeting children are everywhere. The nation has morally gone off the rails.
Christians have no moral duty to take the Covid vaccine: A Response to David K. Vallance
The well-researched article thoroughly demolishes the false idea that Christians should get the COVID shot, as well as historical myths about vaccination. We highly recommend reading and sharing this article, as well as following his website, as it addresses vaccination from a Christian/biblical perspective (which is rare!).
NORMALIZING MURDER: A Historical Pattern with Vaccination
Another practitioner, Dr. W. B. Clarke of Indiana, finds that
“Cancer was practically unknown until compulsory vaccination with
cowpox vaccine began to be introduced. I have had to deal with a least two hundred cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.”