Coronavirus, Medical Tyranny

Lethal Lockdown: a Biblical Critique of the Coronavirus Fear Pandemic

Yes, there are people suffering from something, and it should not be taken lightly — we should pray for them and help them. Our focus here is national proportionality — will the national response destroy more lives than help? And even more importantly, are we going about this in a biblical way?

We need to love all of our neighbors — not just those who have the Coronavirus, but those who may suffer from the reaction to it.

Biblical Critique of Vaccines Series, Christianity, Ethics, Mass Murder

A Biblical Critique of Vaccines, Part 3: Vaccination as Doing Evil that Good May Come

The issue in vaccine ethics is not whether there are good results, but whether the action itself is morally lawful according to Scripture. The Bible does not justify disobedience for good outcomes. God’s law is eternal and fixed.

It doesn’t matter how much vaccines are believed to be beneficial. Vaccination, being a poison that endangers one’s health and life and violates the Sixth Commandment, stands condemned by Scripture (Romans 3:8); it is doing evil that good may come.