Coronavirus, Deception

Coronavirus Con Job: An Exposé of the Exaggerated Death Narrative

There are many ways to inflate a cause of death. Not distinguish between dying from something and dying with something. Ignore that most who died had other underlying and even potentially fatal conditions. Use flawed testing. Provide financial incentives. Or even kill by the treatment itself.

This article calls the government-run media narrative into question — and demonstrates an open intent by the government to deceive the public. It also covers other factors that might be artificially increasing COVID-19 death rates. Finally, some historical factors are discussed that shed more light on the government’s practices of deception and manipulation.

We are in an information war. I hope this info will be widely shared to help as many as possible wake up and oppose the tyranny we are facing. Your liberty, and maybe even your life, is at stake.

Christianity, Medical Tyranny, Opposition

Vaccine Resistance Tactics and Scripture

There are many ways vaccine tyranny, that is, mandatory vaccination, can be combated. As Christians, we are not to approach resistance to tyranny as revolutionaries eager to shed blood. On the other hand, we are not to obey commands to do evil (such as vaccinate), since “We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29b).

History, Paganism

Vaccine Idolatry in History

Vaccination lends itself to idolatry, as it is — like idolatry — fiction mingled with rebellion against God. Throughout vaccine history, we find the problem of vaccine idolatry an ongoing problem.

Resource Library

This library is a work in progress. Please check back periodically for updates. Vaccines Kill Before Vaccinating: Read these Countless Accounts of Vaccine-caused Deaths and Injuries Vaccine-caused Infant Death: Thousands of Babies in the U.S. Slain per Year A Safe Vaccine? Why there never has been, and there never will be (Dr Suzanne Humphries) Vaccine Fraud You’ve been Conned: Polio…

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