According to the vaccine propagandists themselves, when it comes to HIV, antibodies don’t mean protection — they mean you need medical treatment — and that you may eventually contact AIDS (and therefore die).
Demolishing the Antibody Narrative: Measles Immunity can be Attained with ZERO Antibodies
“Antibody production is therefore not necessary either for recovery from or for the development of immunity to measles.” — Natural History of Infectious Disease, 1940
Health: It’s About Nutrients — NOT Vaccine Antibodies
“Perhaps the greatest evil of immunization lies in its diversion of public attention from true methods of disease prevention. It encourages public authorities to permit all kinds of sanitary defects … It ignores the part played by food and sunlight and many other factors in the maintenance of health.” —— M. Beddow Bayly, M.R.C.S., 1944
MUST WATCH: Interview on Trump and Vaccine Genocide (Catherine Austin Fitts)
Was Trump aware that the COVID shot would be an act of mass murder? Or was he ignorant? See Catherine Austin Fitts skillfully address these questions in an interview in late 2022 with Greg Hunter.
COVID Vaccination and Shifting Narratives: Masks
The mask goalposts were already arbitrarily shifting prior to the COVID vaccine, exposing the mask narrative from the outset as disingenuous. This would in turn expose the vaccine narrative to come as disingenuous, since it would go on to embrace an absurd “mask on, mask off, mask on” policy.