“The extent of this crime against child-life is not an imaginary picture. In the English ‘Digest of Parliamentary Returns,’ No. 488, Session of 1878, entitled ‘Vaccination Mortality,’ we find the startling statement that: ‘Twenty five thousand children are annually slaughtered by disease. inoculated into the system by vaccination, and a far greater number are injured and maimed for life by the same unwholesome rite.'” — C. Wardell Amerige, Vaccination a Curse (1895)
Controlled Opposition as a Means of Pacification
“It is no accident that the motto of QAnon is ‘Trust the Plan.’ That is the very purpose of QAnon; to get people to forgo any efforts on their own, but to instead, trust others who are working according to a secret plan behind the scenes.” — Edward Hendrie
Controlled Opposition: What is it?
Since there will inevitably be opposition to the ruling class anyway, for the elite manipulators, it is best to lead the opposition (via infiltration or creating it) so that the opposition can be derailed by misdirection. Better to sanction opposition (even if it makes temporary inroads) that is regularly sabotaged by roadblocks than to deal with opposition with 100% legit, determined leadership.
Smallpox Vaccine Data Manipulation: the “Visible Marks” Scam
“Another vaccination fallacy is, that its supposed ‘protection’ is in proportion to the number of ‘marks.’ Who counts the marks on the patients? Interested persons; and consequently when the marks are obliterated by the disease, the partisans of the poisoning theory give their fallacy the benefit of the doubt, and generally register the patients as ‘unvaccinated.'”
On the Idolatry of Justifying Vaccine Failures (1881)
“But, no sooner is the epidemic over and the danger as they suppose past, than back they go to their Vaccination-peans and their per-centages again !-just as the savages pick up and reinstate their abused idols, when thanks to some other agency the danger has passed by.”