“What happens is, that other diseases take the place of the small-pox when this disappears: a circumstance worthy of our profound attention. Thus the eminent English Physiologist, Dr. W. B. Carpenter, who for the last year or two has stood forward as the champion of Vaccination with conspicuous zeal … is compelled to admit that at the same time that the mortality of small-pox — through the influence of Vaccination, as he thinks — has declined, the mortality of measles and scarlet fever especially has increased.” — P.A. Siljestrom, 1883
Category: Natural
Divide and Conquer: How Vaccination DECAPITATES your Immune System
Vaccination, then, subverts and nullifies a proper immune process by 1) bypassing half your immune system and 2) leaving the other half without its normal control mechanism. It is like leaving a ship to sail for itself; or, to use military terms (given the role of the immune system in combating toxins), an officer abandoning the battle, leaving his troops in disarray in the heat of an enemy attack.
Vaccination and Blasphemy (1892)
“The vaccination theory implies, and vaccinators and pro-vaccinators openly assert, that a healthy unvaccinated child is a nuisance, as dangerous as a mad dog, a rabid horse, etc. Such wild talk is blasphemy against the Creator, who doeth all things well. Such a theory per se condemns any practice founded upon it.” — Vaccination Tracts, 1892
God’s Health Instructions in Nature vs. Vaccination (1871)
“Physical law shuts up the blood for safety within three coated vessels. To open them with a lancet is a violation of that law. Common bleeding is now being abandoned, because, as a violation of law, terrible punishments ensued, sometimes sudden, very often a lingering prolonged death. Physical law prohibits the use of poison in the body. To introduce the vaccine poison is a violation of that law.”
Debunking COVID-1984 Programming: Health Benefits of Being Outdoors, including as Treatment for the Spanish Flu
Man is the pinnacle of God’s creation, and God fashioned nature for man’s benefit. When man perpetually hides inside contrary to God’s natural design, we would expect health problems to result, since God created man to be actively interacting with God’s creation.