Coronavirus, Mass Murder

BLOOD CEMENT: Why we can’t expect the Corona Fascists to Back Down

The Corona Fascists are caught together in the web of their wickedness; on this road, it is hard to turn back. This brings to mind the idea of “blood cement,” which the Nazis applied. In blood cement, oppressors become “blood brothers” — bound together by criminal acts. They are tied by mutual guilt, mutual blackmail, and mutual fear of retribution from those they oppress.

Deception, History, Mass Murder

Was Vaccination used for Depopulation/Genocide in Early Vaccine History?

Now that it is so obvious that vaccination is being used for premeditated murder of much, if not most, of the world’s population, the question becomes: when was vaccination initially used for mass murder?

Here we explore this question. Whatever the answer, read and get a taste of the dark history of vaccination that you probably never heard from the vaccine propagandists in the media, government, and medical system.

Christianity, Coronavirus, Mass Murder

The COVID Shot, Bribery & Jobs: Don’t Fall for Manipulative Tactics that COULD END YOUR LIFE

Fellow Christians, my plea is for you to stand firm, and never succumb to the manipulative tactics of the globalists to get you to get the death shot. Trust in God, and His provision. Do not go along with the evil vaccine agenda, regardless of the perceived consequences. If you have already gotten the jab, then resolve to never get it again. Let your mindset be of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: