A video compilation refuting the lies of the evil mainstream media. Athletes are dropping like flies from the COVID shot — and the propagandists (naturally) don’t care.
Category: Mass Murder
2 Roads to Vaccine Genocide: the False Binary Trap
The false binary suppresses truth and opposition by presenting the illusion of only two choices — either of which perpetuates the Globalist agenda. These choices oppose independent thought, foster groupthink and tribalism, and program us with a prewritten script. They make NPCs out of us — and promote vaccine genocide.
Should Pastors REFUSE to Warn About the COVID Shot in the Name of “Unity”?
Pastors, let me ask: would you have spoken out about the evils of the Nazis? If some in your church were deluded and supported the Nazis, would you have refrained from condemning the Nazis in the name of “unity”?
The Corona Fascist CULTURE OF DEATH: COVID Protocols, Vaccination, Abortion, Suicide, and Euthanasia
The Corona Fascist era is the culmination of a longstanding rebellion against God. Per Romans 1, those who reject God are given over to increasing immoral insanity. Thus we find ourselves in a relentless death spiral where death begets death. There is only one solution, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Population Control (Documentary on the Globalist Elite & COVID-19)
Excellent documentary on the history of the Globalist elites’ desire to depopulate the world, culminating in the COVID-19 Scamdemic and mass vaccination. A must-watch if you want to know more about who is really pulling the strings of our governments, media, and just about everything else.