Mass Murder, Videos

The Perfect Storm for a VACCINE HOLOCAUST is Now Here

This is a very sobering video on what appears to be a planned, escalating vaccine holocaust. Population control has been a priority for the globalists for some time. Christians, however, should not be paralyzed by fear, but trust in God and pray that He will thwart their wicked plans.

Deception, Ignorance, Mass Murder

“Correlation is not Causation”: an Irrational Dismissal of Countless Vaccine-Caused Deaths

This piece thoroughly dismantles vaccine holocaust denialism via the mantra “correlation is not causation.”

Let’s call the “correlation is not causation” mantra for what it is: an irrational dismissal of the countless injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. That is, irrational, or due to ignorance, at best; flagrantly dishonest at worst.

Vaccines are obviously deadly and the harm that follows from them is not some grand coincidence.

One can hide behind all the so-called studies that he wants, but that does not change reality. Absurdity, cloaked in science, could just be a form of rebellion against God, and hostility towards one’s fellow man.