Bad Medicine, Coronavirus, Mass Murder

Animal Studies: Those who initially Survive the mRNA COVID Vaccine could DIE in the NEAR FUTURE

Those who survive right after the initial COVID jabs are not out of the woods. People could die in the near future from organ failure or other health problems due to increased susceptibility to viruses (even the common cold) caused by the vaccine. That is, the viral disease intensifies for those vaccinated, where the body reacts to being challenged by a virus and turns against (attacks) itself.

Coronavirus, Mass Murder

CDC Surveillance: COVID-19 Vaccine already Debilitates Thousands

Some interesting info from the CDC, and perhaps even sugarcoated, as Pfizer (and other vaccine companies) contribute money to the CDC via the CDC Foundation. These are just the injuries officially reported — and who knows what the longer-term consequences for those vaccinated will be (one effect will likely be cancer in many cases).