Tetanus or Lockjaw, one of the most deadly and rapid in its action. … Different forms of the germs of “Sepsis” which produce the dangerous and often fatal festering sores, abscesses and ulcers of different kinds. … Actinomycosis or “Lumpy Jaw.” This produces a terrible festering tumor in the bones or tissues of the head, brain, or spine … Infantile Paralysis. … Tuberculosis and Cancer.
Category: History
What is “Contagious” Today may not be so in the Future
In an age of irrational fear of contagion — that leads so many to their deaths as they flee to vaccination as a supposed preventative — it is important to note that many conditions and diseases that were once said to be contagious are no longer so. The hubris of many pro-vaxxers — as if they have contagion all figured out — has no bounds.
Vaccine Propaganda and Overhyping Smallpox
“It would appear that in sound constitutions, and with fair treatment, smallpox in 1721 was by no means deadly, whilst in bad constitutions, and with exposure and neglect, it was extensively fatal. Yet of these differences, little account was taken by the Inoculators, and the malady was measured and discussed as though it were something uniform like water or gold.”
Controlled Opposition and Reverse Psychology
Controlled opposition takes advantage of our susceptibility to reverse psychology. When the Globalist elites want to get those who oppose their agenda to unwittingly support it, they may contrive opposition to a person or idea that they want them to actually support.
Vaccination recognized for PERMANENT Health Problems in the 1800s
“A vaccinated people will always be a sickly people, short lived and degenerate.” — Professor Alexander Wilder, M. D.