“The plea of the advocates of these [vaccination] abominations when cornered is, it is right to kill a few in order to save many. What a plea! Kill a few to save many! In reality it is killing many to save none. The commandment of the God of the universe is ignored, whose commandment is, ‘Thou shalt not kill.'” — Reverend Isaac L. Peebles
Category: History
Vaccine Pandemic: Part 6: Unsafe & Deceptive — the Polio Vaccine Scam
“In 1955, right after the [polio] vaccination program got under way, they radically redefined the diagnostic parameters of polio, followed soon thereafter by changes in labeling protocol, then by even more stringent technical requirements for a polio diagnosis. In short, they ultimately redefined not the disease, but the label, out of existence. That’s not disease eradication, that’s a con game.” — Shawn Siegel
Vaccine Pandemic: Part 4: The Medical Profession’s Legacy of Tyranny, Torture, and Murder
This utilitarian ethic that predominates in medical circles is doing evil that good may come, namely, to sacrifice a few people for the sake of the many. This evil philosophy is contrary to Scripture: “And why not do evil that good may come?—as some people slanderously charge us with saying. Their condemnation is just” (Romans 3:8).
Vaccine Pandemic: Part 3: The Inquisition Against Opponents of Bad Medical Practices
Other medical professionals also relied on religious metaphors to describe opposition to vaccination. Azel Ames, a Wakefield, Massachusetts physician who directed the Marine Hospital Service vaccination program in Puerto Rico, referred to antivaccination as an “absurd and unwarranted heresy.”
Vaccine Pandemic: Part 2: Opposition to Vaccines by Doctors and Others in History
Dr. John Henry Tilden said, “Vaccination against smallpox is perhaps one of the most thoroughly ingrained superstitions of the age. Today there does not appear to be any prospect of its growing less popular.”