A very informative documentary on vaccines and a great introduction for those who are beginning to research the topic.
Category: History
Vaccine Pandemic: Part 8: Death Certificates and Hiding the Vaccine Holocaust
“Indeed, it is a commonplace with medical men, that no child dies of Vaccination; and hence Vaccination is not an admitted cause of death; and when the fact is insisted upon, there is no limit to the hardihood wherewith the truth is crushed down and covered up.” — William White, 1885.
Vaccine Pandemic: Part 7: Moral Objections to Vaccination and Inoculation in History
“The plea of the advocates of these [vaccination] abominations when cornered is, it is right to kill a few in order to save many. What a plea! Kill a few to save many! In reality it is killing many to save none. The commandment of the God of the universe is ignored, whose commandment is, ‘Thou shalt not kill.'” — Reverend Isaac L. Peebles
Vaccine Pandemic: Part 6: Unsafe & Deceptive — the Polio Vaccine Scam
“In 1955, right after the [polio] vaccination program got under way, they radically redefined the diagnostic parameters of polio, followed soon thereafter by changes in labeling protocol, then by even more stringent technical requirements for a polio diagnosis. In short, they ultimately redefined not the disease, but the label, out of existence. That’s not disease eradication, that’s a con game.” — Shawn Siegel
Vaccine Pandemic: Part 4: The Medical Profession’s Legacy of Tyranny, Torture, and Murder
This utilitarian ethic that predominates in medical circles is doing evil that good may come, namely, to sacrifice a few people for the sake of the many. This evil philosophy is contrary to Scripture: “And why not do evil that good may come?—as some people slanderously charge us with saying. Their condemnation is just” (Romans 3:8).