Check out this portion of a letter to The National Anti-Compulsory Vaccination Reporter, written in 1878. The author compares vaccination with snake poison, discusses snake idolatry in history, and calls the vaccinators to repentance, whom the author says are on a “satanic mission of scattering disease and death.”
Category: History
Pick your Proof: Vaccines Cause Autism (Origin, Studies, Package Inserts, Scandals, Testimonies)
Vaccines cause autism. There is no way around it. No amount of lies or gaslighting can change this fact.
Consider the origin of autism, studies and package inserts connecting vaccines with autism, whistleblowers and scandals, and, most importantly, countless testimonies connecting vaccines and autism.
Vaccine Idolatry in History
Vaccination lends itself to idolatry, as it is — like idolatry — fiction mingled with rebellion against God. Throughout vaccine history, we find the problem of vaccine idolatry an ongoing problem.
Check out this Revealing 1969 Debate between 2 Pro-vaxxers (Talking Points have Changed!)
This is the kind of debate you are very unlikely to see today — which I why I’m surprised that it’s available on a government website. Check this out and see how talking points have changed!
Willem Bilderdijk (1756-1832): Dutch Poet, Anti-vaccine Resistance Leader
Regarding vaccination, Bilderdijk was an important figure in Dutch history. He rightly regarded vaccination as “perverted scientific practices” and recognized the evil of using the pulpit to promote vaccination.