“The theory of this so-called Vaccination is that we must do evil that good may come : create a disease to prevent a disease; a minor, which may be followed by life-long sufferings or a speedy and untimely death, to prevent a major, which might never occur, and could not possibly occur if the laws of health were faithfully obeyed. This theory would justify every description of wickedness within certain bounds. It, and the practice alluded to, which is based upon it, must, therefore, be indefensible on any Christian or rational ground whatever.”
Category: History
Was Vaccination used for Depopulation/Genocide in Early Vaccine History?
Now that it is so obvious that vaccination is being used for premeditated murder of much, if not most, of the world’s population, the question becomes: when was vaccination initially used for mass murder?
Here we explore this question. Whatever the answer, read and get a taste of the dark history of vaccination that you probably never heard from the vaccine propagandists in the media, government, and medical system.
RACIST VACCINE HISTORY: Blacks Considered “Spreaders,” persecuted by Forced Jab (share widely)
“In arrogance the wicked hotly pursue the poor; let them be caught in the schemes that they have devised.” (Psalm 10:2, ESV) by Stephen Halbrook The evils of vaccine history provide the blueprints for future vaccine tyranny. The opposition to vaccination we are seeing today is starting to be met with the same draconian measures as yesterday: vilification, “get the…
Depopulation and Genocide: Natural in a Fallen World
Those aware of the enormous scale of vaccine genocide today via the COVID death shot may ask, “Why?! Why would people be so deceptively murderous?” Sadly, depopulation and genocide via deception was attempted by Satan at the very beginning.
NUREMBERG 2.0: those Behind the Scamdemic and the COVID Death Shot MUST go to Trial
“The privilege of opening the first trial in history for crimes against the peace of the world imposes a grave responsibility. The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored, because it cannot survive their being repeated.” — Justice Robert H. Jackson’s, Chief American Prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials