“What happens is, that other diseases take the place of the small-pox when this disappears: a circumstance worthy of our profound attention. Thus the eminent English Physiologist, Dr. W. B. Carpenter, who for the last year or two has stood forward as the champion of Vaccination with conspicuous zeal … is compelled to admit that at the same time that the mortality of small-pox — through the influence of Vaccination, as he thinks — has declined, the mortality of measles and scarlet fever especially has increased.” — P.A. Siljestrom, 1883
Category: History
RACIST VACCINE HISTORY: Blacks Considered “Spreaders,” persecuted by Forced Jab
While blacks are said to have been released from their physical chains when slavery was officially abolished, this is not completely true. After emancipation, they were an ongoing target of forced vaccination.
Faith versus Disease Hysteria: George Muller and the Bristol “Smallpox Outbreak” (1872)
“Our only trust, I confess it frankly to the honour of the Lord, was in His pity and compassion, in His tender, fatherly heart; for He knew our case.” — George Muller
The Tragedy of Jonathan Edwards: When Christians Die from believing Vaccine Lies
“Unexpectedly, the cure became the killer, and he died from the inoculation on March 22 at the age of fifty-four, leaving Sarah to raise their large family alone. It was the last and worst of a series of heavy calamities that had befallen Sarah. … Sarah would never recover from her loss.” — Carolyn Custis James
Reaping and Sowing DEATH via Vaccination (Mary C. Hume-Rothery, 1881)
“Pro-vaccinators attack the healthy infant, break down the harmony of natural action, infuse filth into the blood, and set up inflammation or fermentation in the system, the consequences of which it is impossible to foretell or estimate; in a word they disease a child, and weaken, inevitably, its vital powers, in order to strengthen it to resist disease or to recover from it if attacked. Talk of common sense! This is positive imbecility. Again, it is one of the unmistakeable laws of order (revealed in natural phenomena no less than in written revelation) that “as a man sows so also shall he reap”; that it is vain to sow thorns and expect to gather grapes, or to sow thistles and look for figs.” — Mary C. Hume-Rothery (1881)