Murder is murder, whether by force, or by deceit. The mere act of politicians using their authority and influence to promote vaccination amounts to crimes against humanity. Whether such politicians act out of greed, malevolence, or simply ignorance, by their actions, countless lives are destroyed.
Category: Ethics
Reverend William Hume-Rothery Ethically and Logically Refutes Vaccination (1872)
“The theory of this so-called Vaccination is that we must do evil that good may come : create a disease to prevent a disease; a minor, which may be followed by life-long sufferings or a speedy and untimely death, to prevent a major, which might never occur, and could not possibly occur if the laws of health were faithfully obeyed. This theory would justify every description of wickedness within certain bounds. It, and the practice alluded to, which is based upon it, must, therefore, be indefensible on any Christian or rational ground whatever.”
Biblical Critique of Vaccines Series
As we are in the midst of vaccine genocide, it is important to examine this topic from a biblical perspective. For too long, many Christians have justified this practice out of a fallacious appeal to authority and ethical pragmatism. This series refutes this.
A Biblical Critique of Vaccines: Part 4: Natural Food versus Unnatural Vaccine Ingredients
Not vaccinating is a no-brainer when we consider that vaccination is the injection of unnatural substances into the body. It is a witch’s brew of death.
Christian Magazine by Pastor Afshin Yaghtin has Entire Issue Exposing Vaccines
Pastor Afshin Yaghtin is the most active pastor I know of in exposing the evils of vaccination. He has also released an entire magazine on the topic
This is an excellent tool for getting the word out about vaccines. Purchase a few and hand them out to fellow Christians. I have a copy — it is very well-designed, making it very engaging.