“Pro-vaccinators attack the healthy infant, break down the harmony of natural action, infuse filth into the blood, and set up inflammation or fermentation in the system, the consequences of which it is impossible to foretell or estimate; in a word they disease a child, and weaken, inevitably, its vital powers, in order to strengthen it to resist disease or to recover from it if attacked. Talk of common sense! This is positive imbecility. Again, it is one of the unmistakeable laws of order (revealed in natural phenomena no less than in written revelation) that “as a man sows so also shall he reap”; that it is vain to sow thorns and expect to gather grapes, or to sow thistles and look for figs.” — Mary C. Hume-Rothery (1881)
Category: Ethics
Vaccine Ethics: Biblical versus “Costs/Benefits”
The crux of the vaccine debate is morality, or ethics. That is, “ought we to vaccinate?” This must be decided by Scripture, as Jesus is King of kings, and has all authority in Heaven and on Earth. Therefore, He must be obeyed in all areas of life; Scripture equips for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16, 17).
Vaccine Research: The Berean Spirit versus Blind Trust
When it comes to obedience to God regarding vaccines, research (of material uncorrupted by Big Pharma propaganda) is necessary; as is a consideration of biblical ethics. The Berean Spirit is crucial to fulfilling the Sixth Commandment: “Thou shalt not kill.”
A Biblical Critique of Vaccines, Part 7: Vaccination Disregards the Interdependence of the Body Systems
In essence, vaccination says to your most vital immunological defenses, “I have no need of you” — despite their critical role in a proper immunological response and in filtering poisons (such as vaccine ingredients). Practically speaking, when vaccination is performed, the organs and protections that it bypasses are removed, as their uses in that occasion are nullified.
Vaccination: REAPING and SOWING Disease and Death
Unsure as to whether to vaccinate? Research vaccination (not just the propaganda of the pro-vaccine side), and you will see that the process stands condemned by the fatal fruit it continually reaps.