If the aforementioned challenges to the vaccine-antibody narrative are not enough, here are some more.
Category: Deception
Demolishing the Antibody Narrative: When Antibodies might INCREASE Disease Severity
Again, we see no consistency in the pro-vaccine antibody narrative. In some cases antibodies protect; in others, they are useless to protect; in this case, they attack!
How Irrational Fear and Lies about Contagion MASKS Mass Murder
Because we so easily buy into contagion narratives, the Globalist establishment can easily get away with mass murdering the population so long as they cry “virus, virus!” We must wake up and think critically about causation and contagion.
Demolishing the Antibody Narrative: Study of VSV Virus CHALLENGES Role of Antibodies
We have already discussed antibodies being unnecessary for measles and in Dr. Merrill W. Chase’s experiment. Are we seeing a pattern yet?
Demolishing the Antibody Narrative: HIV Antibodies DO NOT Combat HIV
According to the vaccine propagandists themselves, when it comes to HIV, antibodies don’t mean protection — they mean you need medical treatment — and that you may eventually contact AIDS (and therefore die).